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文博有Young丨View history, view the present, view the future 来文博会河北展区看历史、看现在、看未来

来源: 长城网  郑白 刘潇
2022-12-30 19:47:58

  长城网·冀云客户端讯(记者 郑白 刘潇)12月28日,第十八届深圳文博会在深圳国际会展中心启幕。今年河北省参展主题为“美丽河北,融合发展”,展区位于9号馆,面积达574平方米。

  The 18th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF) opened on Wednesday in Shenzhen . With the theme "Beautiful Hebei, integrated development", the Hebei Pavilion covers an area of 574 square meters.

第十八届深圳文博会现场。记者 刘潇 摄


  The pavilion features modernity, science and technology and futuristicity, where viewers may carry out interactive and participatory activities. It is also filled with a strong sense of culture, technology, high taste, and new forms of innovations.

  The pavilion is divided into four parts: beautiful Hebei, integrated development, intangible cultural heritage, and county cultural industry. Through the innovative combination of traditional techniques and high-tech multimedia, it has created a multi-angled viewing experience.



  Viewing History

  Here, new technologies have brought about perfect viewing experience of “North of the Big River”displayed by the Pentedrop screen projection space and such national class cultural relics as gilt bronze human-shaped lamp , Poshan incense burner inlaid with gold decorations and the iron-footed bronze tripod of the Warring States period displayed by the Autostereoscopy device glasses free.There are a 30-meter-long embroidery known as “Xing Family Embroidery and “Landscape Map along the Belt and Road”.

文博会长城新媒体展区。记者 刘潇 摄



  Viewing the present

  You can see what the present Hebei is like through the Great Wall New Media; you can see the ecological beauty and returning home through videos. If you want to know the latest current affairs, you may see the "Hebei News Digest" integrated media works and experience the touchable news.

平乡童车产业展区现场搭建的“元宇宙直播间”记者 刘潇 摄



  Viewing the future

  In the future, Hebei Province will actively make its cultural resources advantages become real cultural development advantages, such as the "meta-universe live room" in the Pingxiang stroller industry exhibition area, where one can see virtual digital anchor selling goods online. The Meta-universe technology will bring about a new immersive roaming shopping experience.


  If you want to know more, come and join us in Shenzhen!
